vINCI proposes the development of an integrated and validated framework based on the records provided by microservices using 4 types of kits:
- The CMD One smartwatch { the smartwatch cannot be removed from the wrist by the patient alone, he needs assistance to do that, in this way a permanent observation of a person’s pulse, outdoor activity, number of steps per day, heart rate and blood pressure.
- Orbbec Fitness Camera: the patient is invited to reproduce a series of exercises to observe his posture and mobility and stimulate physical Activity indoors.
- Orbbec Camera for Sedentariness Observation: the patient is monitored indoors and the time spent sitting without doing anything is measured.
- The Questionnaires: certain types of questionnaires need to be completed by the patients for a psychological approach, to understand their mood, life perspective, and inner feelings.
The project aims to create a platform through which a person can be monitored through extensible technology kits, personal records being stored and analyzed, in order to extract information that will be used to detect symptoms of disability associated with old age, all clinically validated by specialized medical institutions. In this regard, a platform dedicated to older adults, their families, and specialized medical personnel, based on the multitasking interfaces will be implemented around three complementary themes: connect, collate, and care:
Connect – Implementing, integrating, and improving IoT standardized technologies, aiming to a custom monitoring and support for the wellness of old adults.
Collate – Extracting and shaping domain-specific knowledge based on analyzing the data collected for intelligent monitoring and rehabilitation of old persons.
Care – Improvement and sustainability of the technological approaches to encourage active aging of old persons by offering long-term support.

The interface is divided into 2 areas, the public one, consisting of registration pages, login or password recovery, and the private one, consisting of several components accessible to registered users, configured according to the role of users. The dashboard will be customized for 4 types of users: patients, patients’ families, medical clinic staff and the system administrator.
The patient, family or organization is registered in the application, specifying the role played, and the administrator will have records of all users, being able to add / delete / edit. Each user have assigned a unique id. The patient can record devices, receive notifications and reports according to his current situation. It can access the interface of each registered device, the devices also having unique ids per patient. The patient can keep track of their devices, edit / add or delete them. A periodic report will specify to the patient his situation depending on the results received and interpreted from the devices in a certain time interval.
The patient’s relatives, the family, has access to the information regarding the devices and their notifications. The medical staff also has access to registered users as well as to the devices used by them.