National Institute for Research and Development in Informatics (ICI Bucharest)
Bd. Mareșal Averescu 8-10, Bucharest, Romania
June 15th, 2018

National Institute for Research and Development in Informatics, Romania (ICI)
ICI Bucharest as coordinator assumes a scientific and technological research leadership in ICT in Romania. A focus of the institute, through the team participating in vINCI, is on inter-disciplinary research at the intersection between Big Data and Ambient Assisted Living.

Marche Polytechnic University (MPU)
MPU is located in Ancona (Italy) and participates in this project with the Telecommunication Systems Team (TST). Application-oriented research activities are carried out in the field of Active and Assisted Living, from the development of algorithms for fall detection, indoor tracking, and behaviour recognition based on depth signals, to the integration of wireless technologies into heterogeneous network architectures. They generated 50 peer-reviewed publications in the last 5 years and several research projects, at a European (Home4Dem), National and Regional level.

University of Nicosia Research Foundation (UNRF)
UNRF is the largest research institution in Cyprus, it primarily focuses on global and local issues including health, complex networks, social sciences, education, ICT, engineering, and environmental sustainability. As of 2007, faculty and researchers have been actively involved in projects with a total budget of over 52M € Euros. In vINCI, UNRF participates via the Mobile Systems Lab which conducts research in wireless systems and data management in Distributed Web Information Systems, Mobile and Wearable, Internet-of-Things and Cyber-Physical Systems. Personnel is participating in H2020 Projects and one Eureka Secretariat-Eurostars project, as well as one National.

National Institute of Telecommunications (NIT)
NIT is a research and development institution in Poland with 220 employees. Over the past five years NIT has been involved in around 30 major projects (finished and running) both international and national (e.g. FP7 ALICANTE, Interreg Baltic Sea Region Programme 2007-2013 EfficienSea, Eureka EDFAS, Eurostars DELTA, PolLux IDSECOM, and several COST Actions). NIT leads and manages the PL-LAB facility, which is one of the major elements of the Future Internet Engineering (FIE) project. PL-LAB is a distributed laboratory (a set of 8 laboratories interconnected by the Polish NREN – PIONIER) focusing on Future Internet, integrating applications and network services. The laboratories are geographically dispersed, and associated with leading Polish research and academic centres. PL-LAB is connected to FIRE through the Fed4FIRE facilities.

Connected Medical Devices (CMD)
CMD is an innovative Start-up that creates assistive connected devices by using the Internet of Things (IoT) technology to create a link between patients suffering from different afflictions and their caregivers and families, thus creating a Human Link. The goal is to create an ecosystem of devices that touch the needs of people suffering from a range of different diseases as Alzheimer’s disease, Diabetes and obesity.

Automa Srl (AUT)
AUT is a dynamic Italian SME (founded in 1987) involved in the design, engineering and production of systems, electronic equipment and software for applications. It ranks in a position of significance both in national and international market. AUTOMA provides solutions characterized by extreme modularity and flexibility both in the industrial sector within the Oil, Gas & Water and in the civil sector in Smart Home & Building Automation. AUTOMA cooperates since more than a decade with the Polytechnic University of Marche (Ancona, Italy) and with the academic Spin-Off ArieLAB, engaged in the application of innovative ICT solutions in home automation, and specifically the AAL domain. The company is currently involved in the AAL-JP HOME4DEM Project with expertise in the design and implementation of sensor technologies for home monitoring of people with dementia.

Salvatelli Srl (SAL)
SAL is an Italian Company specialized in diabetic foot management. Its core business is the prevention of the lesion in the fragile patient through the development of footwear for the daily activity of the elderly. Salvatelli started in 2001, deepened footstep studies and in 2004 developed an international patent in the rehabilitation and management of acute phases of diabetic foot injuries (Optima Diab). In 2016, the company patented the SBI exhaust system, a modular guard for foot and ankle decompression and rehabilitation. Salvatelli is the sole company in the word to have obtained worldwide scientific validation of its products for the management of the diabetic foot lesion. Since 2007, Salvatelli has also researched and developed products in more than ten R&D National Projects and currently, more than the 80% of the developed products are in the market.

National Institute of Gerontology and Geriatrics “Ana Aslan” (NIGG)
NIGG is a public institution under direct guidance of Ministry of Health in Romania. The Institute has two locations for inpatient medical care and a centre for outpatient medical care. The two inpatient departments have a total of 580 beds for short-term care. Large majority of the patients are beyond the age of 65. Outpatient Department aids more than 50,000 older patients a year. N.I.G.G. “Ana Aslan” is a methodological forum for the guidance of the research and clinical activity in the field of gerontology and geriatrics in the entire country. Having the activity oriented towards the three main areas of investigation: basic (fundamental), clinical and social, “Ana Aslan” Institute implements the complex multidisciplinary approach to the diverse matters regarding older people. Between the three departments there is a continuous cooperation for the development of various research projects. The institute actively runs activities dealing with clinical trials (national and international – including HYVET and SYST-EUR) regarding therapeutic interventions for older people, and was/is involved in various EU and national research projects (PREDICT, MARK-AGE, ERA-AGE, a.s.o.).

Comtrade (CTR)
Comtrade is a dynamic and well-established group of technology companies, with a 30-year track record of innovation and steady development. Founded as a software engineering and services company, today it stands at the forefront of the industry in Southeast Europe, offering high quality vendor and proprietary software solutions, as well as outstanding system integration services to improve digital transformation across industries.
Comtrade operates as a holding company for many vibrant businesses and acts as an incubator for new and exciting technologies. Partnering with top global vendors as a service provider, the company is focused on each customer receiving high quality IT solutions in order to improve efficiency.